
Burst Balloons

2022/01/03 07:07
문제 번호
Dynamic Programming


제출 날짜
1968 ms
17.3 MB
// 312. Burst Ballons // // // maxCoins function returns the maximum values when all balloons bursted in some sequences. // When i th balloon bursted, then values of i - 1 * i * i + 1 will be producted. // And then 0 ... i - 1 and i + 1 ... length should be conducted the same logic. // Picking i th balloon could be divided into the subproblem. // In the reverse concept, pretend that picking i th ballon is the last balloon to be bursted. // [ 3 , 1 , 5 , 8 ] ----------> pick 5 as last element to be bursted. // [ 3 , 1 ] [ 8 ] should be calculated. // [ 3, 1 ] ----------> same logic on the first case. (pretend x) // [ 8 ] ----------> same logic on the first case. (pretend y) // [ 3 , 1 , 5 , 8 ] ----------> x + y + 1 * 5 * 1 will be the coins that this sequence earned. // Maybe before the last sequence could be optimal, but not in the last sequence. // Thus, picking the very first element to be last sequence should be searched too. // n times loop * n times loop for the left range * n times loop for the right range becomes O(n^3). // Each element for the last sequence should be maintained the n number of elements, so O(n^2) memory required. func maxCoins(nums []int) int { vals := append([]int{1}, append(nums, 1)...) dp := make(map[[2]int]int, 0) var rangeSearch func(int, int) int rangeSearch = func(left, right int) int { if coins, ok := dp[[2]int{left, right}]; ok { return coins } coins := 0 for i := left; i <= right; i++ { temp := vals[left-1] * vals[i] * vals[right+1] temp += rangeSearch(left, i-1) + rangeSearch(i+1, right) if coins < temp { coins = temp } } dp[[2]int{left, right}] = coins return coins } return rangeSearch(1, len(vals)-2) }