
5. The Campus Life in Seoul (2019-1)


How Was the Classes in Seoul?

This is when I moved in one-room in Anam
From this year, I became the student of Korea University Seoul Campus. With honor, I entered the class. The first class was Artificial Intelligence. I was little bit nervous, but professor’s voice made me comfort. Soon, I could concentrate on the course. The class was as swift as an arrow, and so was the first week. Though the courses were difficult to understand well, but all of the courses were interesting(Because they were courses of major thoroughly). In Sejong, there are almost 30–40 students per class. In contrast, there were 100–120 students per class in this Campus. Many of them have great attitude toward the class. The fact that I can compete with them and learn from them made me smile. Also, on the web site of the department(, administrator frequently posts. This was the most difference between both campus. Because of this, students have much more options to participate in activities.

Which Courses Did you Take?

Operating System
Artificial Intelligence
Computer Network
Computer Graphics

What Kind of Projects or Assignments Did You Do? How Was It?

Operating System

To understand the trap, make the system call and write the report of it
To understand how does the OS schedule the processes, analyze the kernel source, and run the processes on Ubuntu to measure the scheduling time per 1000th scheduling by editing kernel source.


Writing a report about 0–1 and Fractional Knapsack Problems & Matrix Chain Multiplication
Writing a report about properties of Dynamic Programming of 0–1 Knapsack Problem and relation between matroid and MSTP
Writing a report about minimum spanning tree, Kruskal’s Algorithm, and Prim’s Algorithm
Reading papers about reduction, relativization, P&NP problems and Writing a report about summary of P&NP relativization

Artificial Intelligence

Writing a report of implementing Cycle GAN after coding or using open source of it (What I did were Voice Converter and Image Converter)

Computer Network

Writing a report after capturing TCP and ARP packets with WireShark on Ubuntu
Organizing and setting up network system to understand OSPF & Writing a report after capturing OSPF packets with WireShark on Ubuntu

Computer Graphics

Making Utah teapot scale, translate, and rotate per delta-time
Set the texture by extracting RGB from the image that I want to use & Blurring teapot by controlling opacity per delta-time, and restore & Implement 2 way directional Phong lighting(Setting Diffuse, Specular, Ambient, and Emissive / Applying Attenuation)
Make the skeleton of the baseball player & Make the animation that baseball player runs(Bone Space & Character Space, Quaternion, Key frame interpolation by Slerp)

GPA of This Semester?


What Else Did You Do Except the Curriculum?

Applied Software Maestro but failed to do it.(Software Maestro is the 1 year course for the developers to make projects with colleagues and get help from mentors in certain company.)(Selection process divided into 4 steps. I passed 1st “Career Paper”, 2nd “Personality Interview”, 3rd “Coding Test”, but failed the last one “Depth Interview”.)
Participated in the company presentation like recruiting interns.(The smart convergence department of LG graduate school, Samsung Display, MindsLab, The CEO’s presentation from Silicon Valley : How to start a business)

Feedback of This Semester?

The reason why I registered low credits were I didn’t have to and I would like to do other activities like projects. However, in this semester, it’s not that satisfied. I didn’t solved the algorithm problems at all, didn’t conduct any project. Just participating the company presentations. Though I promised not only focusing the normal curriculums of my department, but also conducting projects, I’ve kept studying only for the courses. I think that I still don’t know what to do if I have spare time. I think I need to experience of conducting projects or studying something else to know what does the feeling of doing those. Need to know how to start them and how to make them as my habits. From this summer vacation, I will start something different from before. Also, I hope to find the field that I want to do.