
Maximize Distance to Closest Person

2022/01/16 11:11
문제 번호


제출 날짜
12 ms
5.4 MB
// 849. Maximize Distance to Closest Person // // // max function finds the maximum value from the given inputs. func max(nums int { val := -int(^uint(0)>>1) - 1 for _, n := range nums { if val < n { val = n } } return val } // maxDistToClosest function finds the maximum distance to the closest person from the given seats. // 0 0 0 1 -> value should be 3 which is the number of 0s on the left side. // 1 0 0 0 0 -> value should be 4 which is the number of 0s on the right side. // 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 -> value should be 3 which is the number of zeros in the middle of the each side 1s. // Thus, check the 0s on the each side. (Temporarilly, one of those will be the maximum distance.) // Also, check the 0s on the middle area. This procedure only needs the sequential search to count the 0s. The number of 0s divided by 2 should be compared to the previous maximum value and update it. // On searching the middle area, the skipping 1s and checking 0s have been used. func maxDistToClosest(seats []int) int { left, right := 0, 0 for left < len(seats) && seats[left] == 0 { left++ } for right < len(seats) && seats[len(seats)-1-right] == 0 { right++ } answer := max(left, right) for begin, end := left, len(seats)-1-right; begin < end; begin++ { count := 0 for ; begin < end && seats[begin] == 1; begin++ { } for ; begin < end && seats[begin] == 0; begin++ { count++ } answer = max(answer, (count+1)/2) } return answer }