
Largest Rectangle in Histogram

2022/01/30 14:44
문제 번호
Monotonic Stack


제출 날짜
68 ms
8.8 MB
// Largest Rectangle in Histogram // // // CustomStack struct is used to manage the histogram to get the maximum area. type CustomStack struct { Index int // current index of array heights MaxArea int // current calculater maximum area ArrValue []int // array of values in stack ArrIndex []int // array of indexes in stack } // largestRectangleArea function returns the maximum area of the given histogram. // Idea is like these following 3 cases. // If current bar is taller than previous one, push to the stack. // Else if current bar is as same as previous one, nothing happens. // Else if current bar is smaller than previous one, pop out from the stack. // When the pop occurs, calculate the maximum area. // Pop should not be the single case, but should be iterated until the current one is bigger than other previous ones. // Popped elements will update the maximum area if it is ok. func largestRectangleArea(heights []int) int { stack := &CustomStack{0, 0, make([]int, 0), make([]int, 0)} for _, currentHeight := range heights { stack.Index++ previousHeieght, _ := stack.TopValueAndIndex() if previousHeieght < currentHeight { stack.PushValueAndIndex(currentHeight, stack.Index) } if previousHeieght > currentHeight { stack.Update(currentHeight) } } stack.Index++ stack.Update(0) return stack.MaxArea } // Size function returns the length of the stack. func (this *CustomStack) Size() int { return len(this.ArrValue) } // PushValueAndIndex function pushes the value and index to the stack. func (this *CustomStack) PushValueAndIndex(value int, index int) { this.ArrValue = append(this.ArrValue, value) this.ArrIndex = append(this.ArrIndex, index) } // PopValueAndIndex function pops the value and index from the stack. func (this *CustomStack) PopValueAndIndex() { if len(this.ArrValue) > 0 { this.ArrValue = this.ArrValue[:len(this.ArrValue)-1] this.ArrIndex = this.ArrIndex[:len(this.ArrIndex)-1] } } // TopValueAndIndex function returns the value and index of the top on the stack. func (this *CustomStack) TopValueAndIndex() (int, int) { if this.Size() == 0 { return 0, 0 } return this.ArrValue[len(this.ArrValue)-1], this.ArrIndex[len(this.ArrIndex)-1] } // CalculateArea function calculates the area of fixed point on the stack to the current top point on the stack. func (this *CustomStack) CalculateArea() int { if this.Size() == 0 { return 0 } value, index := this.TopValueAndIndex() return (this.Index - index) * value } // Update function updates the maximum area by popping the top value and index. // When the calculating is done, pushing the current height will be processed. func (this *CustomStack) Update(currentHeight int) { index := 0 isFixedFirst := false for i := len(this.ArrValue) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { if this.ArrValue[i] > currentHeight { if !isFixedFirst { isFixedFirst = true if this.MaxArea < this.ArrValue[i] { this.MaxArea = this.ArrValue[i] } } index = this.ArrIndex[i] area := this.CalculateArea() this.PopValueAndIndex() if this.MaxArea < area { this.MaxArea = area } } else { break } } this.PushValueAndIndex(currentHeight, index) }